Cookies and our use of cookies

A cookie is a small text file that contains data, placed on your computer or device by our website when you visit it. The data contained in these tiny files are read each time your web browser requests a page from our web server to provide a seamless experience on the site. If you would like to know more information about cookies we recommend you visit which gives detailed advice on cookies and guidance on how to control or delete them via your browser. (For Google Chrome click on the “spanner icon” and select “settings” then “advanced settings”, under the privacy heading click on the “content settings” button you can then choose your preferred settings under the cookies header).

We use a number of different cookies and in order for you to make full use of the online shopping and personalised content of our website, your computer or device will need to accept cookies. The cookies we use let our website remember your log-in details, your preferences and what you’ve added into the shopping basket. Our website will NOT store your payment card details.

The section below describes the cookies we use on our site and what we use them for.

‘Strictly Necessary’ cookies

These cookies are essential in order to enable you to move around the website and use its features, such as accessing secure areas of the website. Without these cookies, services you have asked for such as shopping baskets cannot be provided. We use these cookies to remember your log-in details, your preferences and what you’ve added into the shopping basket. If these are disabled then some of the website functionality will be lost.

Accepting these cookies is a condition of using any Measuresoft website, so if you prevent these cookies we can’t guarantee your security or predict how our website will perform during your visit.

Cookies we have defined as “Strictly Necessary” cookies will NOT be used to…

Gather information that could be used to advertise products or services to you

‘Performance’ Cookies

These cookies collect information about how our visitors use each page, which ones are most commonly viewed, or whether any errors occurred. These cookies don’t collect information that identifies a visitor and are only used to improve how the website works.

By using our website you agree to our use of this type of cookie.

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